Corona Extreme

the Zeiss NIR for Agriculture

Corona extreme and InProcess® software is the spectrometer system designed to increase productivity in agriculture analysis. The idea was to create a measuring sensor, which is a key component of the process in extreme conditions for the entire product life cycle. With the ZEISS competence in hardwa…
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Description Specifications Applications

Corona extreme and InProcess® software is the spectrometer system designed to increase productivity in agriculture analysis. The idea was to create a measuring sensor, which is a key component of the process in extreme conditions for the entire product life cycle. With the ZEISS competence in hardware, software and engineering this resilient and precise system can withstand extreme workloads and is considerably superior to lab measurements.

Corona extreme is designed based on much application-related experience and provides reliable measurement results for each sample. The compact system is easy to install and can be operated independently using the embedded controller, which enables a direct evaluation and output of the predicted data without the use of a computer. The spectrometer features fibre free, high-energy illumination with outstanding optical properties and internal referencing.

Spectrometer diode array spectrometer
Polychromator PGS (Plane Grating Spectrometer)
Measurement range 950 - 1650 nm
Mean spectral pixel pitch 3 nm
Spectral resolution ((half width at 1/10 max.) </= 10 nm
Wavelength accuracy </= 1 nm
Wavelength reproducibility </= 0.1 nm
Light source halogen
Protection standard II 3D Ex tc IIIC T60°C Dc IP66
Dimensions 256 x 191 x 253 mm3
Weight 10 kg
Range of operating temperatures - 15°C to + 50°C
Power supply voltage 9-36 V SEL
ndustries Application Products Parameters Results
Field Testing Analysis on plot harvester  Full maize plants, grass, unripe rye and wheat, grain such as wheat, rye, rapeseed, corn Determination of dry matter content and protein Determination of quality, yield measurement, evaluation of cultivation success during field harvests, cultivation of new varieties 
Cereals Trade Inspection at transshipment points Grain such as wheat  Measurement of moisture, protein, gluten, hardness, determination of quality  Sorting, drying and storage, sale in accordance with specification 
Grain Processing Measurement on delivery Grain such as wheat  Measurement of moisture, color, protein content, ash content and starches for process control  Guarantee of quality 
Bioenergy I Measurement on delivery Maize silage, grass silage, whole plant silage (renewable resources), liquid manure, residual materials Evaluation based on potential gas input – gas generation potential Process control and optimization (room load, retention period)
Bioenergy II Measurement during process Maize silage, grass silage, whole plant silage (renewable resources), liquid manure, residual materials Stability of fermentation based on individual acids Process control and optimization (room load, retention period)
Feeding Measurement on delivery  Feeding staff, animal feed  Measurement of energy content (proteins, fiber fractions such as ADF, NDF, lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose)  Process control and optimization (mixing processes) for the production of concentrated foodstuffs 

Corona Extreme Brochure Enquiry Form


Corona Extreme Enquiry Form